Our partnerships in action

See how our partner organizations are identifying the toughest problems, delivering impactful solutions, and measuring success.

Explore by SkillUp

SkillUp is dedicated to assisting workers in securing high-opportunity employment without the necessity of a college degree. Their team’s projects are ambitious, creative, and unyieldingly conscientious.

See the results
Covid, 2020: Workers need an excellent way to connect to real training providers for high-demand jobs. No dead ends. No bad data. No confusion.
SkillUp begins a Dev Retainer with WhereWeGo and deploys WhereWeGo’s Training Navigator, customized to the SkillUp user experience.
Workers need clarity on career pathways, the jobs they lead to, and barrier reduction resources.
SkillUp & WhereWeGo deploy the Careers, Jobs, and Resources Navigators and My Path to guide workers step by step.
Workers need personalized support, real-time recommendations, and reassurance to take action.
SkillUp leverages AI to expertly support users throughout their career advancement journey.
SkillUp’s worker-first team and worker-first product meet their goal to help 100,000 individuals secure high-opportunity employment ahead of schedule.
What’s next? SkillUp will launch its 50th workforce region and reach its 4 millionth worker in 2025. And so much more.
Green Workforce Connect

As a stakeholder-driven organization connecting the dots between job seekers, contractors, and education & workforce organizations, IREC is accelerating the clean energy industry and changing lives.

See the results
IREC’s experiences with stakeholders prove there is a massive need for clarity on Weatherization Assistance Programming and the opportunities it creates across the United States.
Together with WhereWeGo, IREC launches Green Workforce Connect 1.0 to connect workers, organizations, and the resources that foster transformational change.
IREC discovers and generates crucial resources beyond weatherization and across the clean energy workforce ecosystem. It’s time to open GWC for more users and more use cases.
Green Workforce Connect expands to include an Organization Navigator that connects workers, education & workforce organizations, employers, and more with one another for hiring, training, and information all across the United States.
IREC’s industry reach expands further: More wind, more solar, more green tech, and more are leveraging the connectivity of GWC 2.0.
IREC has connected 35,000 members of the Green Energy Workforce to 168 Green Workforce Organizations and 107 customized resources, providing access to hiring, training, bids & contracts, and information in the field.

This job hub has been built top to bottom to suit the specific needs of its Louisianan context. Opportunities (and employers) of all shapes and sizes are shining on GNO, Inc.’s critical recruitment tool for the region.

See the results
Louisianans need clearer understanding of what career pathway opportunities are in their backyard,  with or without a college degree.
GNO, Inc. taps WhereWeGo to deploy a Training Navigator, Careers Navigator, and Resources Navigator suited to the 11 parishes of Southeastern Louisiana.
GNO, Inc.’s job board has been helping workers find jobs, helping employers reach talent, and recruiting organizations to the region for years. Now, it needs a serious upgrade.
Re-enter, WhereWeGo! At a stakeholder-centered Design Day, we uncover critical problems to solve and our appetites for solving them.
Development and design cycles kick off immediately. Within 8 weeks, the research and development, information architecture, and design vibes are making their landing.
Data migrations. New custom content management systems. Use cases of all shapes and sizes. The work gets extra fun...
Every 8 weeks, vertically integrated slices of development and incremental value is delivered. We make it work, then make it beautiful, and repeat.
What’s next? We can’t wait to show you the brand new WorkNOLA job board in September 2025!