Nonprofits, Strategy

Find a Clear Path Forward with WhereWeGo’s Design Day

Learn about a surprisingly fun experience that applies user-centered design thinking and strategic planning to get your project moving forward with clarity and confidence.

Design Day | A One-Day Retreat for Jumpstarting Your Technology Project

When tackling a new technology project, finding the right approach can feel overwhelming. At WhereWeGo, we make that process easier with Design Day—a rigorous, collaborative, and surprisingly fun experience that applies user-centered design thinking and strategic planning to get your project moving forward with clarity and confidence.

What is a Design Day Like?

Design Day is more than just a brainstorming session—it’s an intensive working retreat designed to help teams clarify their product vision and make tangible progress. We tailor the experience to your project’s unique needs, selecting from a suite of proven design thinking exercises. Our facilitators push for healthy conflict, empathetic user analysis, and feature prioritization, all backed by our extensive experience in workforce technology.

By the end of the day, we deliver a Project Charter, which outlines a clear path forward, anticipates costs, and provides the product documentation needed for execution—whether by your internal team or by us.

"The first design day we completed with WhereWeGo transformed how we approached this project. This focused activity provided space to think through solutions we wanted to achieve in a way that was anchored in the user experience. The WhereWeGo team truly brings their expertise in technology services but does so in a way that is grounded in the people who will use the technology."

— Mellynn Baker, Louisiana Board of Regents

Why Do a Design Day?

We know firsthand the value of aligning vision and execution. A great idea can start out feeling vast and overwhelming, but Design Day helps turn abstract concepts into concrete, actionable plans.

“Our idea started as a vast and opaque concept, but by the end of the design day, we felt that we had finally started building something concrete and attainable. Many of the methods and exercises the WWG team used were new to us, but the results were quite impressive.”

— Karla Frias, ReXchange Co-Founder

What’s included in a typical design day?


A detailed roadmap outlining your purpose, goals, milestones, and a mitigation plan to reduce risks to your timeline and budget.


A breakdown of how your users will interact with your technology, ensuring that user experience remains at the core of your product development.


A step-by-step breakdown of your build, from Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to future feature releases.


A pricing and timeline estimate for each development phase, giving you clarity on what to expect.

Who is Design Day For?

  • Organizations planning or revamping a workforce technology project
  • Teams looking to align stakeholders and prioritize features
  • Leaders who need clarity, structure, and strategic guidance before investing in full-scale development

What’s Next

Reach out to us to learn more and decide if a design day is right for you.